Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How sad....

In the article, Manslaughter at a State School by Dave Mann, is about a "state supported living center" where one of the employees killed a mentally disabled patient. The author's intended audience is for anyone in Texas who would allow something this awful to happen to a person who is defensless, or for anyone who is thinking about admitting their loved one into a "state supported living center" like the one in Lubbock. Mann's arguement is that they are doing reform's to these state schools, yet they ignore the pay increase that state workers should get. They are the lowest paid state employees and only get paid $8 an hour, which is around how much most retail workers get paid. Dave Mann always has concrete facts and numbers in all of his articles. He has written plenty of articles in the Texas Observer as the Contrarian. I do agree with what Mann states, how does a person learn to care about a job as difficult as taking care of the ill and getting paid as the lowest state worker. No one would want to accept that pay and have such a difficult job unless they could not find a job anywhere else, and there is probably something wrong with them if they could not get a job else where.

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